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Chemistry Tutors in Manila

List of top Chemistry tutors in Manila for personalized one-on-one tutoring. All our tutors are highly qualified, experienced, and highly rated professionals who deliver personalized Chemistry classes and lessons tailored to your requirements. Learn from home or online. Meet some of our tutors below, message them, and work with the best Chemistry tutor in Manila.

9 Tutors Found

Patricia V.

Patricia V.

Manila, Philippines
  • Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Thermo Chemistry
Chemical Engineering graduate in Makati.
Hi, I am Patricia, a graduate of Chemical Engineering from Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, class of 2020. I offer tutorials and homework help for Ch...
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Marianne S.

Marianne S.

Manila, Philippines
  • Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry
Passionate and Patient Chemistry Tutor
Committed to creating an engaging and supportive learning environment where students thrive academically, develop critical thinking skills, and cultiv...
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Joel B.

Joel B.

Manila, Philippines
  • Organic Chemistry
Your Chemistry Tutor in Manila
Hi! I am Joel and I will be your online Chemistry tutor. Well, aside from that, I can also assist you in your general science classes. I am currently ...
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Mark B.

Mark B.

Manila, Philippines
  • Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
I mostly teach Chemistry subjects, but I can also teach Biology.
As an experienced educator in chemistry and biology, I am passionate about making complex scientific concepts accessible and engaging for students. Wi...
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Gerald P.

Gerald P.

Manila, Philippines
  • Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Electro Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Thermo Chemistry
Chemistry Tutor for SHS and College Students
I've been teaching chemistry subject for 2 1/2 years. I've been a SHS teacher also for 2 1/2 years. I can guide you on how to understand the technical...
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Stephanie Mae M.

Stephanie Mae M.

Manila, Philippines
  • Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Registered Chemist and Chemical Technician who graduated from PUP Manila.
Hi, I am a Registered Chemist and Chemical Technician who graduated from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. I am currently working as a La...
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Karen Louise B.

Karen Louise B.

Manila, Philippines
  • Biochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Registered Chemist from UP Manila and diligent Chemistry/Math tutor
I'm a diligent Chemistry and Math tutor from Manila. I'm a registered chemist and biochemist from UP Manila. I'm also an alumna of Philippine Science ...
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Cris B.

Cris B.

Manila, Philippines
  • Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Registered Chemist in QC. Understand. Don't memorize
Hi! I know these times are hard. Modules might seem like a mountain to climb, but really it's not. With a lot of understanding, real life analogies an...
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Jemimah S.

Jemimah S.

Manila, Philippines
  • Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
I graduated MS Chemistry at Ateneo de Manila University. I also have University teaching experience.
Hi! You can call me Ms Jem. I hope I can help you with whatever way I can within the subjects of my strength. I have previous university teaching ...
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Frequently Asked Questions

👉 What is the necessity of a Chemistry tutor?

Chemistry is a challenging subject; students need to understand the fundamentals and apply them in various scenarios deeply. It can be difficult for many students to keep up with the pace of their classes, and they may need additional help outside of school hours. A Chemistry tutor can provide that extra guidance, helping to ensure that students understand all the concepts and can apply them correctly. 

👉 What are the qualifications of our Chemistry tutors?

Our Chemistry tutors are highly qualified professionals who can provide the necessary academic support for students of all levels. With in-depth knowledge and experience in the field, our Chemistry tutors are certified to teach a wide range of topics related to this complex subject. In addition, they have extensive backgrounds in Mathematics and science, including a bachelor's degree or master's degree in Chemistry.

In addition, our experienced tutors use creative ways to help their students understand concepts better and become more proficient at problem-solving.

👉 How do I find a good Chemistry tutor near my place?

The first method is to ask your teacher for recommendations. Most teachers have relationships with tutors in their area and can provide names of those that have successful track records of helping students improve their grades. Additionally, teachers may also be able to provide insight into which type of tutoring environment might be most beneficial for you - either online or in-person sessions.

You can ask potential candidates about their qualifications and teaching style and how much experience they have teaching Chemistry courses at different levels.

Another option is to look at online review sites that specialise in rating tutors based on customer feedback. Customers often leave detailed reviews outlining the tutor's strengths, weaknesses, approach, and teaching style.

👉 What is the cost of hiring a Chemistry tutor?

The average cost of a private Chemistry tutor may vary depending on various factors such as location, tutor's experience and the duration of the tutoring sessions. Additionally, parents or students may discuss and reach a mutually agreed upon price for tutoring sessions with the tutors. Our tutors are handpicked and have very good subject knowledge, teaching experience, and certifications or qualifications in their fields.

👉 Can a Chemistry tutor help me to improve my academic grades?

Learnpick and MyPrivateTutor Chemistry tutors' unique approach and innovative teaching methods can help students better understand chemical processes and concepts. In addition, our tutors have the experienced and professional knowledge and expertise needed to impart valuable tips and advice on excelling in Chemistry. 

Our tutors will provide personalised attention to each student and create a comfortable learning environment that allows them to ask questions freely without feeling intimidated or embarrassed. They will use the latest study materials, textbooks, online resources, simulations and audio-visual aids to teach complicated concepts in an easy-to-understand manner. In addition, students can expect one-on-one guidance from their tutor, who will provide feedback on assignments and tests and answer any lingering doubts or queries about the subject matter.

👉 How does one on one Chemistry tutoring work?

One-on-one Chemistry tutoring can be an invaluable resource for students looking to succeed in their classroom. It allows them to focus on the specific topics and skills that are causing difficulty, as well as receive tailored instruction from an experienced tutor who knows their strengths and weaknesses.

The student begins by meeting with a qualified tutor who specialises in Chemistry. Here, they will discuss the student's current struggles with the subject and set up a curriculum plan based on their individual needs.

Throughout the course of tutoring sessions, the tutor will assess progress and provide feedback to adjust lessons accordingly. This allows for greater accountability on behalf of the student while giving them more confidence in working through challenging topics independently.

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